FAQ on Terracotta

The Terracotta is available in Terracotta, Terracotta, Terracotta, Terracotta, Terracotta, and more.

A shipping cost is charged if the product’s price is below INR 1000. However, when the product’s price is more than INR 1000, the shipping is free.

Terracotta products range from the lowest price being INR 450 to the highest price being INR 4090.

There are total 19 products in Terracotta Category.

terracotta curd setter with wooden lid- small, Shathdeep Handmade Diya Set of 24, terracotta bottle with wooden lid, Midnight Terracotta Vase (Short), Midnight Terracotta Vase (Tall), etc are the best selling products in Terracotta Category.

Every Indian household has grown up with this piece of earth. Terracotta ghadas or roof tiles, our baked earth has sheltered us with goodness. At Ellementry, we bring back culture and age-old traditions passed around the table for generations in our country. And we reimagine them to fit into our everyday lives. Take our Terracotta range for example. As it’s porous, it breathes and keeps anything that it stores fresh. Its alkaline goodness sets thick curd that does well for your gut and makes our bones strong. The good bacteria that it passes on to the curd ease along digestion. And it keeps out excess water. So, what you get is thick curd that does good for you too. Break an everyday pattern and get the curd right with our terracotta curd setters. Sway the winds of our culture back at your tables with our terracotta collection that ranges from curd-setters to sprout makers to water bottles to bakewares.