FAQ on Fork

The Fork is available in Brass, Brass, Brass, Stainless Steel, Stainless Steel, and more.

A shipping cost is charged if the product’s price is below INR 1000. However, when the product’s price is more than INR 1000, the shipping is free.

Fork products range from the lowest price being INR 1275 to the highest price being INR 3861.

There are total 5 products in Fork Category.

Masai Table Fork Set of 6, Celestial Brass Fork Set of 4, Celestial Brass Fruit Fork Set of 4, Desert Fork S/4 Champagne Gold Matt Finish, Dinner Fork S/4 Champagne Gold Matt Finish, etc are the best selling products in Fork Category.


It's not difficult to become familiar with formal dining before you decline the greeting. As you gain experience, it may become second nature. When you gain confidence in your fork and knife skills, you may find that formal dining is enjoyable.

We've put up a quick guide to the many sorts of forks and knives available at Ellementry that you can use to perfect your fork and knife technique.

Where the fork is placed in a formal dining setup?

Left of the supper plate is where the forks are located. Forks with two, three, or four prongs or tines can be found in even the most basic of table settings. The meat is sliced with the two tines. These forks can be used in numerous ways. Comparatively, the three tinned prongs are wider than the four. The fork is easier to use if you recognise it. Be sure to keep this rule in mind, as it will showcase your important cooking skills. If you want to try them out, you can simply find them on Ellementry's website.

Fruit Fork

When you eat fruit for dinner, you will use a fruit fork. With a fruit fork, you may pick up parts of fruits, such as strawberries, grapes or melons. Fruits may be eaten comfortably with these forks because of their shape. This fork is ideal if you are served a huge fruit platter or fruit cup.


Table Fork

In every kitchen, you'll find a set of forks. Despite the fact that these forks are unfathomably basic, they can be used for a variety of applications. Dinner forks and table forks are often confused by certain individuals, and this is sometimes true. If you're buying a table fork, it may or may not be ordered as a dinner fork.

There are several different sizes of these forks, so they usually fall between a salad fork and a standard dinner fork. As opposed to being used in a fine dining establishment, this type of fork is commonly found in the kitchens of many individuals. These forks can be purchased in large silverware bundles, and they will be of great use to you. Has the thought of not knowing which fork to use ever made you cringe when invited to a dinner party? Considering this, you're not alone. When it comes to using silverware properly, many people need additional opportunities to acquire or practise formal social graces.

Salad Fork

Salad fork tines are flatter and slightly wider than dinner fork tines. Salad forks are frequently constructed with an extra-wide left tine to aid in cutting recalcitrant lettuce or broad veggies. This tine is occasionally grooved to aid in the cutting of salad. The salad fork's second and third tines are occasionally joined by a rod to provide strength.

Dessert Fork

This fork is a fraction of an inch shorter than the others. Dessert forks often feature three or four tines, with the left tine being larger and having a flattened edge than the others. This enables the dessert fork's user to hold a plate in their left hand while cutting into the cake with their right. Additionally, this fork is referred to as a pastry fork or pie fork.