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Do you remember your seed germination experiment from school? You might also recall waiting for a tail-like structure to branch out from the seed patiently. This experience is deemed to be considered fascinating at that age.

The whole process of seed split opening into a tiny tail-like structure is called sprouting. It is a super healthy meal for breakfast. The seeds are germinated and eventually eaten raw.

The best thing about them is that they can be made at home and in no time. Make the best kind of sprouts using the terracotta sprouter with a wooden lid by Ellementry.

Sprouts encapsulate some serious health benefits. The surge the level of minerals and vitamins in the body, especially vitamin D. Here are the top 10 health benefits of eating sprouts.

Improves digestion

This is the most prevailing opinion about the sprouts in the market and is 100% true. Sprouts work like magic for the human’s digestive system. They are responsible for boosting the rate of metabolism and chemical reactions within the human body. Enzymes present in them absorb all the nutrients, breaks down the food, and the dietary fibre present regulates digestion.

Maintains Blood circulation

The regular intake of sprouts boosts your blood circulation. Nutrients present in sprouts maintain the blood count following the amount of iron and copper in the body. This entire process regulates and ensures a positive supply rate of oxygen to organs and cells to ensure the body works fine in every way.

If you worry too much about your hair growth, then you might have to start eating sprouts. They tend to fix capillaries which eventually give you string and thick hair. A healthy blood supply equals healthy hair.

Make the immune system stronger

There are no second thoughts about it. Sprouts do make the immune system strong. The seeds are highly rich in Vitamin C. it makes them a powerful stimulant for WBC to counter every alien bacteria that tries to invade the body. The germinated seeds also contain a high level of Vitamin A content which is known to have antioxidant properties.

Clears your sight

Vitamin A in the sprouts helps you improve your eyesight. It saves your eyes from free radicals. It's time your start taking sprouts to see the world bright & clear.

Healthy heart

It may surprise you but Sprouts are also rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. The acid is responsible for boosting good cholesterol levels and reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood vessels and arteries.

Cures acidity

It seems sprouts are the cure to all body-related problems. They are alkaline, which reduces the level of acids and balances the pH level. Acidity is one of the major causes of severe diseases like cancer. Sprouts ensure less acid in the body and save you from all kinds of cancer threats.

Keeps you young

Rather than applying tones of chemical-based skin care products, try including sprouts in your diet to eliminate the possibility of premature ageing.

Works on your skin

The flavonoids in sprouts protect your skin from damage by fighting cell-damaging agents in the body. Vitamin C clears the skin, and omega-3 fatty acids decrease the inflammation in the body. It eventually lowers the risk of acne and other skin related problems.

Helps in weight loss

Sprouts are like those magic beans which will grant your weight loss wish. They are super high in nutrients, have negligible calories, and contains a lot of fibre. All 3 features together make an individual feel full for a longer period of time.

Takes minimum efforts

Preparing sprouts at home doesn’t ask for a lot of effort. You only have to pre-soak the seeds in a damp cotton cloth and leave it overnight. You can also put them in a bowl full of water. Time taken depends on the kind of seed.

Make the best kind using this beautiful and sustainable kitchenware:

Terracotta sprouter with wooden lid:

The product by Ellementry is designed to serve you some best sprouts for breakfast. You might know that the entire sprouting process demands some pre-requisites conditions, like the right environment and optimum temperature.

This terracotta sprouter will provide you with the same. If you fill in the excess water, it will soak it up, giving you perfect sprouted seeds. What more do you need, right! Visit to grab this wonderful sprouter.

Gift yourself a start towards better health with Ellementry’s sustainable and eco-friendly products that are 100% food safe. 

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