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If you’ve seen a pâtissier, you might have been jealous. These people are talented, bake cakes and design them and even cut these artfully. Now, their jobs might be hard, but no one can deny the level of excitement and thrill it must be to have the job of a pâtissier.

We mean, these people are literally surrounded by cakes, the universal sign of happiness. What's more? Baking cakes and serving these at occasions literally thrill people as well as the bakers.

So, today, if you have a special occasion or two coming up and you have invested in a few classic cakes, you should learn the tips to serve these. We recommend you stock up with cake servers, stand and bakery knives before reading the blog)

Well, guess you are lucky! Today, we are going to discuss the classy ways to use cakes and serve them as per the guidance of the pâtissier's.

However, before getting started, let’s pay a little attention to the unsung heroes among bakers. The Cake server and stand. Today, let’s review why cake stands are the best things to own, before learning how to serve the cakes.

Ready? Here goes!

Why are Cake Servers Secretly Popular?


  • Let’s Start with Birthdays


Birthdays are one of the most special times for humans on this planet. What's more? Most humans choose to celebrate birthdays with cakes. These cakes are a symbol of joy, happiness & prosperity. The delectable sweet flavours render the human mind towards a state of euphoria, and people get excited and happy when they consume cake.

Now, imagine a scene, you turned 18, and soon you will be bringing in a cake to the party. However, are you going to offer unevenly cut cakes to your guests. We think not! This is why you need to invest in a cake stand along with a server for cutting the cake evenly. 

 You can use any of the cake stands for getting the cake stand for balancing the cake. However, to cut it cleanly, it is advised you pick a cake server.  This way, none of your guests can develop a bad impression due to unevenly cut cake.


  • Anniversaries


It is quite fashionable to consume and cut cakes on anniversaries. Therefore, it is important that you use a cake stand and server for your anniversary, to avoid cake to spillage. For instance, imagine you are participating in a short and sweet anniversary with your friends and family. In case you are, the cake stand can help you to to cleanly serve and present cakes.

Your acquaintances can eat then eat cake, and even cut the portions as per their requirement. Additionally, thanks to the cake server and stand, the anniversary cake won’t look untidy or spill.

Now, if you are searching for the ideal cake server, make sure to buy one made of wood. These do not possess any safety hazards, are quite children friendly. Additionally, these come with artsy crafted designs, which in return make these look classy. You can find this type of cake server, via any trusted online store. 

However, if you have designer and handcrafted ones in mind, we suggest you to pick online websites like Ellementry.


  • Weddings


Almost all receptions and weddings use cake servers and cake stands today. Now, these have become a real prerequisite for parties mainly, because these parties often have three or four tier cakes. Therefore, placing the whole cake on the stable can cause a bad kind of mess. Therefore, pâtissier's recommend using cake stands to hold the cake secure.

However, if cake stands is equal to the body of the cake, the servers are its part. These servers help in cleanly cutting the cake and preventing any misfortune to happen to the cake.  

Additionally, when the cake portion is moved evenly, it prevents the loss of major aesthetics. As a result, you can cut the cake in numerous pieces too. 

On that note, now that we have established why cake servers are popular, let’s quickly review the ways to cut a cake.

Cake Cutting Guide

  • Full Event Serving

Full event servings are ideal for big events like weddings. Now, the wedding cake needs to be big, grand and spectacular to feed many people. However, sometimes even for this giant cake, it can be hard to serve the entire wedding crew. 

Therefore, it is crucial to opt for a moderately smaller potion when it comes to wedding cakes. The right serving size is basically ‘4” tall by 2” by 1” slices’. These are slightly larger than bite sized pieces and thus, are wedding friendly. 

Now, for those guests that cannot seem happy with just one cake portion, we advise you to cut a piece which is ‘4" tall by 3" by 1 1/2" slice’. This way, you are serving your guest a generous portion without managing to finish the entire cake. 

Regardless, ensure you have a good understanding of the portion to be served, and learn the art of cake slicing properly. This way, you will cut right and prevent the wastage of cakes. 

  • Generic Portions

Suppose you are participating in a birthday, dinner with your family and friends. Then it is possible that if you get two big cakes with stands, you can serve enough cake slices to your guests. For hearty amounts, you should slice cakes ‘approximately 4" tall by 4" by 2" slices.’ 

This hearty portion is the normal size of a daily dessert portion. To use get this slice perfectly, use a measuring knife and line the cake’s original body and make a mark. Once you do, place the cake server below the body, and gently, slice the cake to take the generic portion out. Now, serve it to guests in an aesthetically appealing manner.

This cake server will additionally, help in preventing any unforeseen damage to the cake’s body. This way the table aesthetics is maintained too! Now, if you are considering buying a cake server online, you can go for an authentic stainless-steel one or retro wooden one. Anyhow, make this decision depending on your requirement and budget.

For more insight, design and style on cake servers, you can check out online home décor stores like Ellementry. These people have quite the collection, modern millennials go after!

On that note, now that you are aware of the pâtissier's guide on measuring and cutting cakes, we hope you practice beforehand. Simply, choose the right kind of cake server, and order the most delectable cake you can. We on a parting note, wish you all the best for your event, and we hope you enjoy a prosperous and thrilling one!

Until next time, happy reading and cake cutting!

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