
Enhancing Utility With Beauty

We are living in the times of “either do the best or rest.” Every day a new business with a novel idea is introduced to the market. Thanks to technology...

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How sustainability is in our hands

“What is sustainable living?” You may ask. It is nothing more than a simple practice of reducing individual and societal environmental impact by making personal changes. Such an act asks...

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An expression of love for the environment

The very fact that our mother earth has had a few rough times is not hidden from anyone. With unpredictable climate change, escalating pollution rate, un-decomposable trash in the ocean...

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Keep the heart of the home clutter-free

Kitchen; where every heart resides. Organising a house is a constant struggle when you have tiny tots running here and there and playing with random stuff picked from anywhere, be it...

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How organized home gives you more me-time

A cluttered home and a chaotic lifestyle bring problems of all kinds, knowingly or unknowingly.  Consider a daily go-through moment of your life: You are running late for your meeting,...

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Best modern housewarming gift ideas

Moving into a new house marks a joyous moment in a person’s life. Not only does it embark on a brand new journey, but it also gives you the golden...

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