
Give your cakes the platform they deserve

We cut cakes on birthdays, eat them when feeling down or low and even make it to surprise people and celebrate achievement. When a meal is finished, we often crave...

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Enjoy winter bounty with the splendid table setting

“What’s the fuss about? We are only going to eat anyways.”  Ever heard yourself saying this to your mother when she is busy setting the table for the dinner? It...

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Handmade splendid flatware for the festive season

Surely many times you get a chance to be a part of an elegant dinner, lunch or a social event. Some gatherings are insanely high-profile. You have to give thought...

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How to throw a cosy winter brunch

Winter is finally here. The best thing about this season is snuggling into the blanket with a cup of coffee. You have to agree it is the best feeling ever....

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Stay hydrated with ellementry

Summertime is the season where most people are concerned about dehydration. The sentence is 100% true. One must be hydrated during summer all the time. However, keeping yourself hydrated during...

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