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It’s not just a phone or any other electronic device that has features that matter. Even features for a thing as minimal as a cup matters. Tea lovers and coffee lovers will certainly agree with us as for them the kind of cup they are using for their everyday beverage matters a lot. Today, we will share with you why the cup that you use for tea matters? We will also help you buy some attractive cups with all the features required. 

Why cups are important for your day to day functioning 

We all love to start our day with tea. Some of us love tea so much that we drink it more than 2 times a day. It’s like we almost have an emotional connection with our tea, teacup, and overall tea session. From where we sit to have the tea to the material of the teacup, everything matters for us. So, imagine having a bad cup in your kitchen or office? Doesn’t that sound like something that can switch our mood off immediately? Don’t we want our cup to be comfortable, pretty and designer? Before we think about how it will look like to other people, we have to see how we will feel holding a cup and having our morning tea in it. To feel good and happy, it really matters to have a perfect teacup with best design and ease of use.  

Each feature of the cup matters as it makes it ready to hold a hot beverage and also, can make you feel good and comfortable. The following are some of the features.

Colours matter in the matter of your teacup

Colour plays a major role because if colours didn’t matter, our marketers wouldn’t be investing so much money into the packaging of cereals, chips, chocolates, etc. Color holds the capacity to attract us. We all have a favourite colour and we prefer buying things either of that particular colour or try to match the colour with other items of the same category or theme. According to a 2014 study, the cup’s colour influences how people rate the taste of a coffee or tea or hot chocolate.

Some people prefer drinking green tea in a green colour cup because it enhances the colour of the green tea just right, the way it is required. A cup of any other colour may make a green tea look of a different colour or maybe a little light or bright, depending upon the colour of the cup. But these days we have cups which are green from the inside, and beautiful bright colours outside. Such cups are perfect for the people who prefer using bright-coloured cups but want to maintain the colour of their green tea. For such a beautiful range of cups to buy, you can visit Ellementry website. You will love the indigo stamp ceramic green teacup which will definitely make your green tea taste better because of cup design and style. 

The material of your teacup matters

The inner surface of the cup should be smooth. The material of the cup especially from inside should not be porous. If the cup is porous from the inside, it will absorb the aroma and flavours from the tea. But if the cup is made up of non-porous material then it will let the tea retain the flavours and aroma will escape from the top and help you smell the fragrance. This makes the tea taste better. For such experience of better taste and fragrance, you can buy our beautiful aqua rustic ceramic mug. Aqua rustic cup available on Ellementry is your best choice if you are specific about the material. Some people still like drinking in plastic or glass cups as they are light to hold but with time ceramic and other material cups such as metal are also becoming popular among people. People are also becoming very specific about cup material and design.

Teacup with a thin lip that is tapered at the end is the best

The idea behind the thin lip teacup is the same as wine. Just like in the wine glass the lip is razor-thin in order to deliver liquid to your mouth in a nicer smoother manner. Similarly, teacup should be with a thin lip tapered at the end in order to let tea glide onto your tongue giving your taste buds maximum exposure. 

Maintenance of teacups matter 

It may sound very stylish and elegant to wake up every morning and take out the traditional teacup set for use. But it may not be very convenient. When it comes to daily use, it’s better to use the cups which are easy to clean or dishwasher safe. Also, a cup should be convenient to hold and should have handle space to grab, sip and keep it back. We would recommend you such cups to buy that have beauty with easy utility. It means they should look good enough to serve your guests too and, it should not let you compromise your comfort zone. 

Size matters  

Size definitely matters when it comes to teacups. Some people don’t mind drinking tea in coffee mugs. But for a better experience, we would recommend you to drink in teacups only. Coffee mugs are usually bigger in size. A 30- 40 ml size of a teacup is a good size to buy. Rest it also varies from culture to culture. Some people like their teacup to little tall. It’s always better to choose teacups judiciously as the wrong cup can totally spoil your experience of having tea.   

Shape that matters

It is better to buy a teacup with a wider top and a narrow body in case you are having the habit of sipping your tea as immediately as its served. In such teacups, tea gets cooled down evenly enough to take a slurp. But the choice is completely personal as some people prefer buying a teacup completely opposite which has narrower top and wider body because in such cups tea takes some time to cool down.  

Think about having your favourite herbal tea in a teacup having all the features given above. It will enhance the flavours and aroma of the tea and will let you a perfect experience. A perfect teacup can change your idea behind a particular tea. Also, do not forget to check out some perfect cups to buy for your home from Ellementry website. Always remember, when it comes to tea, cups matter! 

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